Leadership for Attorneys: A Four-Part Series - September

Leadership for Attorneys: A Four-Part Series - September

This series was created for attorneys of color to increase their leadership skills, experience greater levels of success and make a greater contribution to their team, their organization and their community. Led by Professional Life and Leadership Coach Tarita Preston. Each workshop is 90 minutes in length. These sessions are highly interactive and will involve pre-work. 

Agreements vs Expectations: Leveraging the Power of Communication (September)

In this workshop, attorneys will delve into the critical distinction between agreements and expectations and learn how effective communication can enhance professional relationships and mitigate conflicts. Through interactive exercises, participants will explore the role of clear communication in establishing mutually understood agreements and managing expectations in legal contexts. By honing their communication skills and cultivating a proactive approach to setting expectations, participants will foster stronger professional relationships and elevate the quality of their legal practice. Whether navigating client engagements, team collaborations, or client-attorney relationships, attendees will leave empowered to leverage the power of communication to achieve optimal outcomes and build trust and credibility in their legal career.

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Info Session: Leadership for Professional Women of Color

Info Session: Leadership for Professional Women of Color

According to the McKinsey’s 2023 Women in the Workplace report over the past nine years, women—and especially women of color—have remained underrepresented across the corporate pipeline.

WoC are also the fastest growing population of leaders and entrepreneurs. Yet, struggle gaining momentum, having support and feeling comfortable in the spaces they are in. We’re here to change that. Register to learn about our event at Music Hall in Cincinnati that's on Aug. 22-24th.

Light Ahead!

Registration Below all times in EST


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Leadership for Attorneys: A Four-Part Series - June

This series was created for attorneys of color to increase their leadership skills, experience greater levels of success and make a greater contribution to their team, their organization and their community. Led by Professional Life and Leadership Coach Tarita Preston. Each workshop is 90 minutes in length. These sessions are highly interactive and will involve pre-work. 

Career Catalyst Unearthing Your Leadership Blind Spots (June) 

  • In this workshop, we delve into the concept of leadership blindspots – those hidden areas in our leadership style or behavior that can hinder personal and professional growth. Through interactive discussions and self-assessment exercises, attendees will identify their own blindspots and explore strategies for mitigating their impact. By increasing awareness and understanding of these blindspots, participants will enhance their ability to lead effectively and navigate challenges with greater clarity and insight.

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